Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > nonduality and the essential qualities of Spirit > Page 2


stillness moves & silence sounds & calm excites

the contemplative being fully human

Page 2

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The more one is drawn
into Grace by Grace,
the more he or she is drawn into Life
and, so, life becomes more alive and
so does the one living that life.

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Grace does not denude us of being fully human, with thoughts and feelings alike others about us. We do not get an exit pass from humanness, and we do not need it. Yet, how we experience life experiences ~ knowing we are not a body having these human experiences but have a body through which these experiences happen ~ will be different from how those who identify with the body, so mind, experience these same matters. So, for the one in-Grace, life will be more alive, not less alive, and often the caricature of a spiritual or holy being is the opposite. The opposite is simply misleading, again a caricature. Spiritually infused beings are the most alive persons, they embody Life itself, free of the conventional attachments that dissipate so much energy in finally unfulfilling involvement with actions and feelings that detract from intimacy with Life and the world of Nature.

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the fundamental nature of Essence, Presence,
is stillness, calm, quiet

the apparent opposites of these qualities
are simply movements into time and space

a more traditional way of saying this,
God is, then God is goding

the nature of Life is not to remain hidden
but to celebrate itself, witness to itself,
by extending itself, expressing itself

so, stillness moves
so, silence sounds
so, calm excites

Grace does this, however,
without losing its essential nature


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > nonduality and the essential qualities of Spirit > Page 2

©Brian Wilcox 2024